ELCI Recommended Defaults |
agencyAgencySpace = Agency Space (200-character length)
defendantDateOfBirth = Date of Birth (Enterprise defaults the century to 19)
defendantEntityType = Defendant Type (I, N)
defendantSex = Gender (M, F)
defendantHairColor = Hair Color (i.e. BRO)
defendantRace = Race (A, B, H, I, W)
defendantLicenseIssuanceState = Driver License State of Issuance (i.e. WI)
defendantOperatingEndorsements = License Endorsements (F, H, N, P, S, T)
defendantAddressState = Violator Address State (i.e. WI)
defendantOperatingClassification = Licensed As DL Class (A, B, C, D, M, O)
defendantDriverOperatingType = Operating As DL Class (A, B, C, D, M, O)
defendantBiometicType = Biometric Code (F, R)
locationFromAtHighwayDirection = At Highway Direction. (N, S, E, W)
locationFromAtHighwayType = At Highway Type (H, I)
locationFromAtHighwayName = At Highway Name (3-character length)
locationFromAtStreetName = At Street Location
locationOnHighwayType = On Highway Type (H, I)
locationEstimatedDistance = Location Estimated Distance (Number field)
locationNumberOfTravelLanes = Number of Lanes (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9)
locationOnHighwayName = On Hwy Name (3-character length)
locationOnHighwayDirection = On Hwy Direction (N, S, E, W)
locationOnStreetName = Street Location
locationRoadwayZones = Roadway Zones (C, R, S, U,)
plaintiffCashFlag = Cash Bond Flag (Y, N)
plaintiffCreditCardFlag = Credit Card Bond Flag (Y, N)
plaintiffRoutingType = District Attorney Routing Flag (Y, N)
summaryNarrative = Narrative (2000 characters)
summaryLightCondition = Light Conditions (2 digits)
summaryTrafficCondition = Traffic Conditions (L, M, H)
summaryWeatherCondition = Weather Conditions (2-digit number)
vehicleRegistrationExpirationYear = Plate Expiration Year (4 digits)
vehiclePlateType = License Plate Type (i.e. AUT)
vehicleRegistrationIssuanceState = Plate Issuing State (i.e. WI)
vehicleColor = Vehicle Color (i.e. BLU)
vehicleMake = Vehicle Make (i.e. CHEV)
vehicleBodyStyle = Vehicle Type (i.e. 4D)
violationLocalOrdinanceDescription = Ordinance Description (Text Field)
violationLocalOrdinanceNumber = Ordinance Number
violationUnderagePassengerFlag = Underage Passenger (Y, N)