In the March 2017 upgrade to TraCS Hit and Run units were examined and reprogrammed to make entering a hit and run easier. There will be more fields defaulted to unknown after the hit and run status is entered and more relaxed validation rules for the unit.
Select Yes for hit and run in summary.
Complete the Entire Section
All fields below will auto default after the hit and run status is entered, please note all defaulted fields can be modified if at such time the information is found.
There are four fields that at first may seem incorrect but are default for unknown information in a hit and run crash.
Unit Status: Must be HIT and RUN
Vehicle Operating as Classification: Will Default to "D Class". Must be entered (Change if necessary)
Unit Type: Will default to "Automobile". Must be entered (Change if necessary)
Vehicle Type: Will default to "Passenger Car". Must be entered (Change if necessary)
Operating As Endorsements: Can be left blank
Total Occs: Will default to 1. Must be a minimum of 1 ( Driver of vehicle )
Insurance? : Will default to Unknown. NOTE: If owner/driver information is later found this will have to be changed to create and open an insurance group.
Most Harmful Event: Collision With: Will not default. Enter the hit and run unit damaged. (Required)
Total Lanes: Will not default. Enter the number of lanes of traffic where the hit and run unit was located.
Enter all other fields that are identified removing the unknown default.
For citations and hazmats only enter that information if you can fill out the full group as neither group will have relaxed validation rules.
If the unit was pulling a trailer that group will have relaxed validation rules.
The Truck Bus or HazMat group will also have relaxed validation rules for a Hit and Run unit.
Note: If CMV enter all information based on witness account of vehicle type.
Role – Only field required in this section. Must be DRIVER.
Boxes that remain open can be left blank.
All other fields needed will auto-populate and/or gray/close.
**HIT AND RUN Vehicle is FOUND** |
If the vehicle is later found and the information needs to be entered you can open the closed fields by going to the Crash tab and selecting the individual button.
All of the required fields will auto-populate.
Remaining open fields can be left blank.
Make changes as necessary if information is available.
If the owner information is discovered later change the "Organization Type" field and the remaining fields will open.
Enter the appropriate sequence of events for the Hit and Run vehicle.
All of the required fields will auto-populate to UNKNOWN.
Make changes as necessary if information is available. Entering any field in the first line will result in a validation rule required all the fields.
If the owner information is discovered later change the "Organization Type" field and the remaining fields will open.
Make changes as necessary if information is available.
Quick Fill |
If you have a Hit and run unit and no information is available here is the quick steps to correctly fill out and validate the unit. Note this should only be done if absolutely nothing is known.
Unit Summary: Unit Status: Enter one of the three hit and run values
Unit Summary: Total Lanes: Enter the total lanes at the scene
Unit Summary: Most Harmful Event: What did the Unit Hit?
Individual: Role: Enter Driver
Sequence of Events: Event: One to four events.