WI TraCS Form List

Alcohol prepares the forms used in conjunction with an OWI arrest. The forms it fills out are as follows.

Arrest contains reports necessary for an arrest.

Attachment is a form that can be used to send non-TraCS form data files to the office (e.g. digital photos, Word files, etc.) Extra large attachments can be used using webservices and only on this form.

Call for Service is used to record MACH interactions.

Case Summary is used to collect data on case dispositions.

Citizen Contact ‘Field report’

Contact Summary is used to collect information on a case or stop.

Crash is the full DT4000 Police Report of Accident

DNR Crash is used to report recreational vehicle accidents.

DNR is the natural resources citation

Driver Condition is the Wisconsin Driver Condition or Behavior Report (MV3141)

ELCI is the uniform traffic citation

Equipment Inventory Form—created to help manage agencies equipment. Agencies can any type of equipment they would like. There are 3 agency tables that work with the equipment form; equipment Type, equipment Make and equipment Model. Equipment can be checked in and out along with sending in for maintenance. A new common information type was added so the inventory can be viewed in the master index. See User Guide: Available Forms in TraCS for form specifications along with checking in/out equipment. See Office Guide: Managing the Agency Inventory of Equipment for adding, maintaining and disposing of equipment in the inventory along with how to search for your equipment.

Evidence is used for managing evidence

Fatal Supplement is the full DT3480 Police Report of Accident

Incident is currently a work in progress. It is an incident report that can be used in house or for outside agencies at both state and federal levels

Influence is the Alcohol/Drug influence report, eSP4005

Inspection The CMV Inspection Form can be used to document warnings and citations for multi –unit configurations, such as truck and trailer operated by a business or by an individual. Officers using this inspection form should only be completing the brake section if trained by the WI State Patrol on Federal vehicle equipment standards when the vehicle to be inspected is exempt from Federal regulations and does not qualify for the use of the Federal inspection form, ASPEN. For officers not trained by the State Patrol the inspection form can be used for all basic vehicle equipment and size and weight inspections. Officers should qualify each inspection as operating Intrastate (In commerce, private business or for hire vehicle where configuration is over 10,000lbs and where the origin and destination are all in the State of Wisconsin ), Interstate ( In commerce, private business or for hire, where the vehicle configuration is over 10,000lbs and where the origin or destination is outside the state of Wisconsin ) , Private Individual Not In Commerce or In Commerce Vehicle(s) configuration under 10,000lbs, This form is transmittable to the State Patrol

NTC is the non-traffic citation

Pursuit is used to report agency involved pursuits, or no pursuits, per year.

Supplement form: is used as a supplemental narrative form. For an incident when they have multiple officers working a case, each officer can create a supplement form and add their own narratives.

Task manages the tasks associated with the case.

Use of Force and Arrest Related Death is used to report subjects receiving serious injuries or death while being arrested or while in custody.

Vehicle Killed Wild Animal is used to provide legal ownership of a Bear or Wild Turkey carcass that was killed by a motor vehicle.

Warning is a warning citation