Call for Service
The Call for Service form is used to record MACH interactions. Can be used for other purposes but can only import MACH data and is mainly used by DNR and State Patrol
The form cannot be modified otherwise it will not import Data from MACH correctly.
The Call for Service form does not replicate to any form as it is a Case level form and other forms are needed first.
This form can be imported from MACH and should be set up using the batch services.
Form Design
The Call for Service Form contains the following groups:
Incident Location
Unit Event
Service Event
Dispatch Notes
Resource Location
Document Group |
There is one document group for each form.
One unique item about this form is it does not have a generated form number. When opening the form for the first time it will ask for the number, it does not check if this has been used yet.
Summary Group |
There is one Summary group for each form.
Disposition Group |
There can be 0-99 disposition groups for each form.
Incident Location Group |
There is one Incident Location group for each form.
Unit Group |
There can be 1-99 Unit groups for each form.
Unit Event Sub-Group
There can be 1-99 Unit Event groups for each form.
Service Group |
There can be 1-99 Service groups for each form.
Service Event Sub-Group
There can be 1-99 Service Event groups for each form.
Dispatch Notes Group |
There can be 1-99 Dispatch Notes groups for each form.
Person Group |
There can be 1-99 Parson groups for each form.
Vehicle Group |
There can be 1-99 Vehicle groups for each form.
Resource Location Group |
There can be 1-99 Resource Location groups for each form.
Agency Group
Each TraCS form contains one Law Enforcement Agency group. The fields within the group are shown in the figure below. The Agency Space field is 200 characters. The fields within the group are shown in the figure below.
NOTE: The Officer mobile phone and officer fax fields were added in Fall 2023
In Fall 2023 an attempt was made to fix the issue where other another person information is entered into this section.
In March 2024 the fix was finalized to fix DOT officer ID’s in lower case.
Agency Space
Space for law enforcement officer to collect any info they want. This field is available for your agency’s use. They will instruct you how to use it.
Officer Rank
The Rank of the officer completing the report.
Officer Last Name
The last name of the officer completing the report.
Officer First Name
The first name of the officer completing the report.
Officer Middle Name
The middle name of the officer completing the report.
The preferred suffix of the officer completing the report.
DOT Officer ID
The reporting officer ID number. This number is sent to the DOT and Courts and is used to uniquely identify the officer.
DNR Officer ID
The reporting officer DNR ID number. Unless the officer works for the DNR, this 9 digit number is the same for the agency the officer works for.
Officer Badge Number
The Badge Number of the officer completing the report. This number can change in the agency.
Officer EMail
The email of the officer completing the report.
Officer Phone Number
The cell phone number of the officer completing the report (Added Fall 2023)
Used for Fatal notification and Ambulance Inspection Reports
Officer Fax Number
The fax number of the officer completing the report (Added Fall 2023)
Used for Ambulance Inspection Reports
Local Agency Number
Identifying number for the law enforcement agency that reported.
Law Enforcement Agency Jurisdiction
The jurisdiction of the enforcement agency that reported.
Law Enforcement Agency Type
The jurisdiction of the enforcement agency that reported.
State Patrol
County Sheriff
City Police
Village police
Town Police
Law Enforcement Agency Name
The name of the enforcement agency that reported.
TAS Agency Name
The TraCS name of the enforcement agency that reported.
Law Enforcement Agency Street Address
The current street address of the law enforcement agency responding to the scene.
Law Enforcement Agency Street Address2
The current street address of the law enforcement agency responding to the scene.
Law Enforcement Agency City
The current city where the law enforcement agency responding resides.
LEA State
The current state where the law enforcement agency responding resides.
Law Enforcement Agency ZIP Code
The current ZIP code where the law enforcement agency responding resides.
Law Enforcement Agency Phone Number
The telephone number of the law enforcement agency reporting.
ORI Number
9 digit NCIC number assigned to the enforcement agency by the Department of Justice.
BFUNC Agency
The ID number that uniquely identifies a law enforcement agency in Wisconsin that reported.
TraCS Agency Number
The 3 digit TraCS ID of the enforcement agency that reported.
Attachment Group
Each form contains one or more Attachment Groups. The fields within the group are shown in the figure below. Depending on the policies of your agency, you may attach files to your report. Not all agencies use attachments.
Attached File -In the Databar choose
File - to choose the file to attach.
File Upload - To attach a file link and upload the attachment to a central server. The file is encrypted and will be unavailable to view except through TraCS.
Bar Code Imager - To import an image from the bar code scanner. (needs IT to set up.)
Scanner - To import from a scanner attached to the computer.
File Link - To attach a file link. The file will be saved in a common TraCS attachment directory.
File Name - Enter the file name, this field is automatically generated if blank from eh attached file name.
Agency Space - Enter any miscellaneous comments to include.
How to Add or Delete a Group
Attachments 101
Attachments in the Hosted Environment
Law enforcement agencies will not be able to use embedded attachments (storing attachments in the database) in the Badger TraCS Hosted Environment but will be able to use file upload (files saved outside of the database on a file server). The file upload attachments are limited to 2MB in size with the form and will reside on the Badger TraCS Hosted Environment Server as encrypted files. If Law enforcement doesn’t want to use the file upload option, they can store all their attachments on their own server, PC or workstation, using File Link.