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Current “Equipment” Inventory

Purpose: List of Equipment Inventory

Audience: Managers/Supervisors

Needed Access rights: ‘Supervisor’

To Run

  1. Pick the Equipment List from the list


  2. Enter the Equipment Type you want to view

    1. Equipment Type is an Agency List.

  3. The second line of equipment changes according to what is currently happening to the equipment.

    1. If equipment is Available or Out of Order you will see the storage location, provided one was entered.

    2. If equipment is Assigned, then

      1. If checked out reason

        1. is Standard Equipment, Active Case or Training then states it

        2. is Maintenance then states Maintenance Reason

      2. Officer Checked out to 

        1. Last name, First Name

      3. Agency checked out to

        1. If checked out to your agency, then it will be blank

        2. If checked out to another LEA, then it will contain the agency name

  4. Click Submit

  5. View/Print/Export Report



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