You can print a report while you have the form open by clicking on the Print button on the Home ribbon bar or clicking Printer Icon on the Quick Access Toolbar (if you added this to the bar) located in the upper left-hand corner of the screen which will bring up the Print Manager that looks like this:
The Print Manager displays all possible reports associated with the forms that are open in the Case whether you intend to use them or not. In the screen above, all the reports available with the forms are listed even though none of them were checked in the form itself.
You can print preview a report by checking the box in front of it in the Print Manager and clicking on the Preview button. It is strongly recommended that you Preview ELCIs before printing them. Printing an ELCI causes its status to go to Issued and only selective fields such as the officer’s narrative can be edited once a citation is Issued.
To print reports, click on the box in front of the ones you want to print and then click Print button, or click on the Select All button on the lower left corner to select all reports shown in the window and then click Print. You can choose to print multiple copies by changing the Number of Copies in the window in the bottom right-hand corner of the window.
Alternatively, you can print reports from the Forms Manager by clicking on the form(s) that you want to print and then clicking on the Print button on the toolbar at the bottom of the screen that will then bring up the Print Manager shown above.
Just by looking at some of the forms gives you Information about the report
Regular reports always contain the form number in the grid.
Combination reports
do not contain a form number
Combination reports combine multiple forms together to create one report. there are 2 examples in the picture above. Property Receipt which contains only multiple Evidence forms and Transmittal of Criminal Evidence with is a combination of multiple Evidence forms and one Incident form