Similar to the search by name, plate and VIN capability in the Previous Activity Search Tool (P.A.S.T.), the Report Manager allows Wisconsin State Patrol personnel with internet access to search through WSP data by Name, Company Name, by Plate, by VIN and by CFS#.
From the Report Manager the user can then view, print or obtain .pdfs of TraCS, eSP4500s or Aspen forms.
Access to the Report Manager can be had from your CF-31 from any wireless spot or through an air card as well as from any DSP desktop computer. (see instructions below for logging in)
Follow these instructions to access the Report Manager:
Open Internet Explorer and type โwspreportsโ in the address bar at the top and then hit Enter.
If this login window appears, enter:
User name: wismdcn\ditxxx (enter your dit\dot)
Password: Your WISMDCN password โ should be the same as your MDC password
You should see the window below. Click on either folder to access the reports contained within.
From within the folder, click on the report that you wish to run.
Each of the reports has a parameter(s) that you must select/fill in prior to running the report. If the report has multiple parameters, fill in the first parameter, then click anywhere outside of the parameter field before moving to the next parameter. When you have completed all of the parameters, click the View Report button.
The results of your search will list any matches along with blue active links that you can click on to proceed to the actual report.
Within the reports you will see more blue links that will take you to other associated forms and supplements as well as to printable versions of each form.
Use the blue Back and Forward buttons as shown below to navigate through the reports and forms. X-ing out will require you to log back into the Report Manager.
If you find that a particular search takes a long time to run, i.e. more than 1 minute, please report it to Please include the report name, the method of access (wireless, Verizon card etc.) and the search parameters used.
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