Instructions for approved staff to reserve, use and report mileage for designated DSP pool vehicles.
A process has been established for the shared use of designated DSP fleet vehicles. Employees can navigate to the following SharePoint site to do so:
DSP Pool Vehicle Reservation Resources Site
The site contains information about the available DSP pool vehicles, where they are stored, and a shared calendar for reserving the vehicles and recording the Project IDs that the vehicle miles should be charged to.
Instructions for the end to end pool vehicle reservation/use process are as follows:
Navigate to the DSP Pool Vehicle Reservation Calendar/Mileage Reporting to see if any suitable pool vehicles are available for the dates/times in question.
If a vehicle that you wish to reserve has not already been reserved, hover your cursor over the day on the calendar that you want to reserve a vehicle. Click on the +Add button in the lower right of the day on the calendar.
Record the particulars for the vehicle to be used, along with the reason for use, destination etc. in the form that opens.
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