Connect to office computer
Check the WIPack version on the computer
If the agency hasn’t updated to the 2024 Fall Pack, transfer reach out to the TraCS Help Desk team to obtain the following two files to the machine located at Y:\WiSTAR
Paste the two files into the TraCS Settings folder of agency agency’s network share.
NOTE: Select YES when prompted to overwrite the files
Launch TraCS Configuration Manager and login with a System Administrator account
Click on the Transmission Tab
Click on Import\Export
Click on Export Instructions
Click on Export to RMS
Click on the instruction
Click on the Import button
Select “No, let me choose”
In the list of options, select the following:
Expand each instruction and select Share to WiSTAR
For each instruction, click on the Active button to make the instruction active
Click OK
Click OK
Click on Communications
Click on Transcom
Click on the import button
Click on ShareToWistar which has been preconfigured
Expand the instruction and click on the Communication Options
Click on Verify.
NOTE: you should receive an error message.
Click on Apply
Click on OK
Click on OK
Close TraCS Configuration Manager
Restart batch services if they are batch and don’t have task setup.
Update Agency Specifics database for WiSTAR
If adding to WiSTAR, change the value to YES