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TraCS FAQ—Additional Instructions for Fall 2021



NOTE: These instructions revised 3/9/2022. Please replace any previous version with this one.


  • The “As-Built” documentation template that you can use to document key configuration settings in TraCS. It is available here:

  • Training Software— the training software has been updated. It is permissible to install the training software on a computer that is also running the production version of TraCS; the two may now run side-by-side. We do not recommend installing the training software on your master computer. See Task 4.4 in the Maintenance Guide for information on downloading and installing the new version of the training software.

Task: Upgrading TraCS Software to Fall 2021 Release

  1. Get an updated copy of

    1. Download latest version of

    2. Extract the contents of the file to a folder of your choosing on your network or to a USB Flash Drive.

    3. Copy the TraCS - Baseline Install XX.XX.exe, and InstallTraCS.bat to your distribution folder.

    4. Remove any older baseline installation files in your distribution folder.

  2. Ensure that all TraCS Office users are logged out. (Field units, or squad cars, running the mobile version may continue to operate during the upgrade.)

  3. Web Services Only: If your agency uses TraCS in Web Services mode you must email TraCS to enable update and, follow step 1 of Task 5.2(c) of the Maintenance Guide and then continue as below. Important: If you use Web Services, the new version of TraCS—Server Edition must be installed on your TraCS server prior to downloading any updates. Failing to do this may cause your TraCS server to become inoperable.

  4. SQL Server Only: Create new Database called CustomàNOTE: This is new for this year and needs to be completed prior to starting the update (Agencies using Access Databases can skip down to step #5)

    1. This follows task 1.4(c) in the installation guide.

      1. Start SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS).

      2. Copy the following script in and run it. (Also attached)


7. Edit the database connection for the Custom database. In the Database Location field, prefix the network folder, using the UNC naming convention, to the file path. Example: \\myserver\sharename\TraCS\DBData\Custom.mdb

a. Access example NOTE: the access database will not be created yet so the test function will not work properly until after the update.


c. You will receive notifications in your Windows task bar that files are downloading.

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d. When you receive the notification that the download is complete, close the TraCS application.

e. Restart TraCS by right clicking and choosing the ‘Run as Administrator’ option.

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f. Log into TraCS with your System Admin account.

g. Click Yes to start the update.

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h. The update will now begin to run.


b. Create additional tables in the tracs_data database needed for the new Supplement, Incident, and Evidence forms along with any form that contains statute information by running the new “Delta” SQL script. The script will be in the TraCS network folder (from Task 1.2, step 6b in the Installation Guide) under the DBData\SQLScripts folder. The name of the script takes the form of <Timestamp> Delta.sql. If there is more than one “Delta” script present, run the one with the most current timestamp.

11. REQUIRED: This fall the agency tables will be upgraded and move to a separate database called custom. All agency tables will reside in this database separating the agency tables from state tables. There are 2 steps to moving to the custom database.


If form is Active, ensure the new version of the form is Active as well (match the settings from the old version of the form).

Verify the report type using the Reports button (shown below), ensuring the file type, file name extension, and all other settings are the same (needed for ImageToRMS settings.)



NOTE: The new Incident and Property/Evidence forms only supports exporting data in the TraCS 10 format.



NOTE:Field units will receive a warning that their installation is incomplete until they run the new distribution. If this message persists after running the new distribution, it means that user files were not exported correctly when the distribution was made. The user files contain the new access level for the 2021 crash form and this error message must be cleared up before they can use the new form. Contact for assistance if you are having difficulties getting this error message to go away.
