Instructions for approved staff to reserve, use and report mileage for designated DSP pool vehicles.
Park your personal vehicle near or in the same space that the pool vehicle is kept in to assure that we are not blocking other parking lot lanes or vehicles/equipment. Personal vehicle can be kept in the secured lot overnight if necessary.
Note the starting mileage in the pool vehicle.
Complete your travels in the pool vehicle noting the number or miles traveled that may need to be charged to different Project IDs.
Fully refuel the pool vehicle before returning it using the fuel card that is kept in the vehicle. To do this, employees must know their PIN for the use of the “WEX” fuel card. More information about the refueling process is maintained here: Fuel Card (
Remove all garbage and personal items from the pool vehicle.
Park the pool vehicle in the same parking spot you located it in.
Note the ending mileage.
Open the vehicle reservation for the day in question in the DSP Pool Vehicle Reservation Calendar/Mileage Reporting and record the number of miles traveled under the appropriate Project ID(s) and click Save. This information is required for monthly vehicle mileage reporting. *Note - If the reservation is a reoccurring one, be sure to choose the “Edit Item” option, rather than the “Edit Series” option to record your mileage for the specific day only (not the entire series).
Questions about any part of the DSP pool vehicle reservation/mileage reporting process can be taken up with your immediate supervisor.
Supervisors may submit a ticking through the WSP IT Service Desk to have employees granted after-hours access to the FIC and the facility gates.