2024 TraCS Pack History (Fall 2024)
All packs are cumulative. You only have to install the most current pack to get the benefit of all previous packs. The update servers will automatically serve the most current pack to your master computer. Once you approve the pack on your master computer it will be sent to the remaining TraCS computers in you agency.
Bug Fixes | UFAD and Incident form: Agency ORI does not auto-populate when the agency is chosen. |
Violation Search: Fixed Snowmobile category from Snow Mobile | |
Incident form: Property Group not opening properly when drug offenses aren’t the first violation. | |
V3EmergencyVehicleInvolvement Table added to package. | |
Crash Public Report: Individual title changed if the role of the person is an occupant, title shrinks to just occupant. | |
Ordinance Utility not pulling up the correct statute list for Updating ordinances. | |
Diagrams for Crash forms showing Drawing tool as an option | |
Court Appointment Utility Form: Delete court now in appointment order. | |
Evidence Form: Cannot Delete Individual/Money Groups with Delete button | |
Crash Reports: Driver Action field showing codes instead of the code text. | |
DNR Citation, fixed the following fields enable/disable when reopening the form for edit.
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The User Access Level Tool will hide the inactive user and only show the active users. |
Enhancements | UFAD Title and Databar changes |
Report located under the Tracking button. Run the log report and verify that it creates the proper file needed to upload to the TVRP system | |
Inspection Form: Removed all Federal inspection rules and fields making this a state inspection form only | |
Alcohol Form: Updated Blood Draw form and report. See Alcohol Form and New Features | |
Incident form addition: PDMP requirements and transmission to added to form. | |
UFAD Form Validation: Pending values have been added to 13 fields. Pending is a valid choice for Preliminary validation but not final validation. New Features | |
Crash Form: Disable the property owner flag and set the flag Yes if any Organization type in Property owner group is government. No for anything else. | |
Removed Partial Info Lookup Analysis report as it works better when searching the Master Index. | |
UFAD Form: Added ORI Field for Involved Agencies Group. | |
Crash Form: Narrative increased to 10,000 characters | |
Added 2 buttons to the Help Ribbon, links to the TraCS Documentation.
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New Form Vehicle Custody See New features | |
UFAD: added additional field so agencies can us to collect ECD deployment information. UFAD Form Design | |
Pursuit Summary Analysis Report | |
Overdue Warnings Analysis Report |
Panel | ||
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History |
Panel | ||
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WIPack240814 – August 2024 Pack (Table and Transmission updates only) |