Purge and Archive processes continuing to run smoothly.
1,165,152 total archived crashes of which 552,897 represent purged crashes (the archive adds approximately 13K crashes per month). This includes 2,182,684 total image files.
HWYCLASS Working Groupo
Canceled October Meeting due to Conflict
Phase 2 Prototype Testing Rollup
Phase 3 Implementation Planning
[JIRA] (ITID-1838) Deer Crash Transmissions - Missing TLT links – FUTURE PACK
· WisTransPortal / Community Mapso
Tribal Crash Mapping Presentation at Wisconsin Tribal Transportation Conference
Community Maps citations and warnings data layer in progress – six agencies
BTO AASHTOWare Crash Data Automation Completed
City of Madison (Citian) Crash Data Automation Completed
Crash Records Unit
Brad Richter / Polly Ebbinger / Mike Satteson