In your TraCS network file share, you should have a folder labeled “SetupHostProduction”. We downloaded this folder and placed it in your Distribution folder when we migrated the agency into the hosted environment.
Drag this folder from the network location to the desktop of the computer your you’re installing TraCS on.
If you cannot locate this folder, you may request it from the Badger TraCS Help Desk
Inside this folder are the following items:
The item highlighted above, “InstallHostedEnvironment” is the file you will run this file as administrator to start the installation.
During the installation, the only window that you need to change is when you get prompted for the Machine ID.
Simply hit ‘Next’ to everyone pop up screen except the Machine ID one.
When the TraCS installer has finished, do not close the black command prompt window.
This window needs some time to finish the installation and will close on its own when completed.
If you accidently close the command prompt window you will need to go back to step #3 and start over.
Once the command window has closed, you will double click the TraCS icon and stop at the login screen.
The update server will send down the pack and map updates to that machinesmachine.
You get two prompts in the lower right-hand corner. You may not see this if the TraCS Pack has been out for more than two weeks. You may just see step 8 and that is alright. So long as it starts downloading/installing.
First prompt says the updates are downloading.
Second prompt says to cancel TraCS (close tracs) at the login screen and start TraCS back up.
You can now start up TraCS and it will give you an option to update.
Say ‘YES’ to the update message and let the updates run.
When the updates have completed and your back to the TraCS login screen.
Cancel out of the login screen.
Go to your network file share and in the Distribution/Mobile folder you should see a file named:
Copy the entire Mobile folder to the desktop of your computer.
Make sure TraCS is closed.
Open the Mobile folder on your desktop and double click on MobileHostDistribution.
Your installation is complete. Log into your TraCS software using your email address.
While logging in, your machine should update agency tables.
It will also prompt to install citation numbers.
If you are out of citation numbers to install, you will get prompted that there are no numbers left in the inventory and simply order some more. Log out of TraCS and log back in once you have ordered a new batch of citation numbers and the new machine should go and install these when you log back in. Here is the documentation for ordering an ELCI inventory: https://wi-state-patrol.atlassian.net/l/cp/aa1u2RBJ
If your agency uses ExternalSearch in TraCS, then you will likely need to create a “MessageCache” folder in the location your agency normally puts it. If you are unsure where the message cache folder is supposed to be, you can go to C:\ProgramData\TraCS\Settings and open the ExternalSearch.ini file. This will tell you where the computer is expecting the MessageCache folder to be.