With the TraCS Parking Ticket feature agencies can issue a parking ticket and track them throughout its life cycle. Seamlessly issue parking tickets, tracking whether it’s been paid and if not, printing First Parking Notices or Final Parking Notices depending upon the circumstance reduces workloads. The capability to produce reports and submit Suspensions and refusals to DOT makes this feature a valuable addition for any agency.
Determining how your agency will fills out a Parking Ticket |
Agency needs to decide how they want to take advantage of the parking ticket feature in TraCS. This is done by who collects your parking ticket fees? (Court or Agency)
If parking tickets don’t get transmitted to court, the Parking Ticket field should say Yes. This will highlight the required fields and reduce the number of required fields needed to validate the citation and enable the parking ticket features.
Required fields for Parking Citation when Parking Ticket field says Yes | |
City | Statute or Local Ordinance |
County | Vehicle Plate # or VIN # |
On Street and/or On Highway |
Understanding Printed Tickets |
Once a ticket has been validated it can be issued (printed). Based off if the ticket is placed on the vehicle or mailed determines what report (document) is printed.
First Parking Notice
Form must be Issued (Printed) to see this ticket
Final Parking Notice
Must have printed First Parking Notice to see this ticket. The Overdue Late Fee is automatically added to the printed ticket. (will only be until Fall 2023 then a popup will ask).
NTC Officer
Shows officer narrative
Cover Letter
Form doesn’t have to be validated to preview Cover letter
NTC Redacted
Shows officer narrative
Redacted this information
Driver license
Parking Ticket Work Flow |
From Mobile (Squad) computer
Fill out Parking Ticket
Validate form
Print and place on vehicle. May print later and mail with cover letter.
Endshift form
From Office computer
End shift in forms
Determine rather parking tickets need initial Parking Tickets printed.
Run Advanced Searches—Unpaid Parking Tickets
In Forms Manager sort Status column for Open and Validated
Determine why any Parking Tickets have a status of Open
Determine if Validated tickets should be printed
Print Vehicle or Owner report along with cover letter
Determine rather parking tickets need First or Final Notices printed
Run “Over Due Parking Report (listing)”
Citations tab | Reports | Over Due Parking Report (Listing)
Enter the date range for Issued Parking Tickets
View “Unpaid Parking Ticket” report
Determine if tickets are past their due date by looking at the Violation Date and adding the number of days giving to pay the ticket.
Print all reports past their due dates
Transmit Issued Parking Tickets if they go to court instead of staying locally. |
Record paid Parking Tickets
Using the Form Number field in the Search area enter the parking ticket number being paid.
Highlight the form
Click Citations tab | “Parking Ticket Paid” button
Enter the amount paid. This will change the status to Completed and the “Form Disposition/Status” to Paid.
Parking Ticket=NO
Method Citation Served=MAILED
Date Citation Served=Current date
Tracking Suspend or Refuse Registration |
Currently TraCS doesn’t have the ability to communicate with Traffic Violation and Registration Program (TVRP) to Suspend the registration of a vehicle having unpaid parking tickets or refuse registration for all vehicles registered to the same owner.
Deposit/Bail: The original amount not including late fees.
What printed reports are available? |
NTC Officer
Cover Letter
Parking Citation-Vehicle
Parking Citation-Vehicle 3in
Parking Citation-Owner
NTC Redacted
Managing Overdue Fees |
Info |
NOTE: this feature will be released in Fall 2023 |
Click the Add Overdue Fee button
Choose Addition
Click OK
Enter the amount you want added to the current fee. The Fee will default to what was entered into the Agency distribution. Change the amount if a different is requested.
Click OK
The Following confirmation will appear
Click OK to confirm
Cancel to keep the current amount.
Click the Add Overdue Fee button
Choose Addition Multiplier
Click OK
Enter the amount you want to multiply to the Deposit/Bail. The Fee will default to times 2. Change the amount if a different is requested.
Click OK
The Following confirmation will appear
Click OK to confirm
Cancel to keep the current amount.
Click the Add Overdue Fee button
Choose Addition Manual Entry
Click OK
Enter the amount you want the Parking Fee to be. The Fee will default to the current fee. Change the amount if a different is requested. You will keep getting this message if you enter an amount that is lower than the Deposit/Bail Amount.
Click OK
The Following confirmation will appear
Click OK to confirm
Cancel to keep the current amount.