Additional Instructions for Master Index Upgrade
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TraCS data will be unavailable to office users during the installation process. All office workstation users must log out of TraCS prior to beginning the installation process. (Field units running TraCS mobile may continue to write tickets and create other forms.) The total installation process will typically take 1 to 4 hours. If you are a SQL Server agency you will want your SQL Server admin on hand to run some scripts. |
Read through the entire task before beginning. All steps must be done in order.
Please be aware of the following:
The Installation Guide has had significant updates. We recommend that you download and print a new copy:
Attachment Form— attachments can now optionally be saved on a file server as a file in a folder instead of in the TraCS office database.
Auto-backup of Settings and document numbers— the settings and document number file can be automatically backed up to the TraCS database for mobile field units and office workstations that have network connectivity available. To implement this optional feature, you must create and save/end-shift a configuration form on each computer. After installing the update, see task 4-2, step 19 (office workstations) and task 4-3, steps 19 and 20 (mobile field units) for instructions.
If you set up auto-backup of settings, all settings referenced on the Configuration Wizard form for the computer will be applied each time the user logs in if a network connection is available, which will override any settings provided in a distribution.
Document numbers are backed up every time the user logs off if a network connection is available. If the autonumber.ini file ever becomes compromised (for example, through a system rollback,) the file will be repaired the next time the user logs in, assuming a network connection is available.
Auto-run of Distribution— distributions will now automatically run (as needed) when the user logs off of TraCS. You do not need to do anything to turn on this functionality. After installing the update, see note at the end of task 5-3(a) in the Installation Guide for instructions on turning off this functionality if you don’t want it.
Compact and Repair Utility— if your agency uses MS-Access, a compact and repair utility is now available. See task 5-7 in the Installation Guide for more information on how and when to use this utility.
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This is a major upgrade. Please make sure you have a current back up of your TraCS databases before proceeding. IMPORTANT: If you currently have TraCS 10.05.47 installed because you also run MACH, you will need to delete the following tables from the tracs_data (SQL Server) or data.mdb (MS-Access) . These are empty “RMS” tables. The versions of the tables installed in 10.05.47 are incorrect and will be replaced during the installation of the new baseline. Be sure to make a back up copy of your database before starting and be sure not to accidentally delete other tables.
If you are unsure about how to delete these tables, please contact Badger TraCS for assistance.
At the master computer: run the conversion utility to update your records to the upgraded database structure.
Log into TraCS with your administrative account.
From the Tools ribbon menu, select Configuration and Distribution | Folder/Index Conversion
Click Yes to close TraCS.
Click OK.
Log in with your TraCS administrative ID when prompted.
Remove the checkmark from Data Conversion and click Next.
Click Next. (Screenshot will vary depending on if you use SQL Server or MS-Acccess.)
SQL Server agencies will receive another confirmation dialog. Click OK.
Click Exit.
Note: the RMS Conversion Wizard will automatically restart. If you are using SQL leave the RMS Conversion Wizard open while you create tables in the next step. If you are using MS-Access, skip ahead to step 3k to finish the RMS conversion.
SQL Server only: Before performing the data conversion step, you must run database scripts to add new tables and columns to your TraCS database.QL
Start SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS)
Create additional tables in the tracs_data database for the master Index upgrade. Run MasterIndexScripts.sql The script will be located in the TraCS network folder (from task 1-2, step 6b in the installation guide) under the DBData\SQLScripts folder.
Create additional tables in the tracs_data database needed for the new Task and Vehicle Killed Wild Animal Permit forms by running the new the “Delta” SQL script. The script will be located in the TraCS network folder (from task 1-2, step 6b in the installation guide) under the DBData\SQLScripts folder. The name of the script takes the form of <Timestamp>Delta.sql. If there is more than one “Delta” script present, run the one with the most current timestamp.
Sign into the RMS Conversion Wizard using your administrative account.e
Remove the checkmark from Database Structure Upgrade and click Next.
Choose folder conversion options.
Choose Closed under Folder Status Default.
Choose General under Folder Type Default.
Click Next.
Click Next.
Do not enter a start date and click Next.
Click Exit.
—Jenny 12/12/2014