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Form Status



This report is the report to run when the DOT audits your citations. After running you may email the report to BadgerTraCS. There are two types on citation status reports, one for the DoT the other for the Agency.


  • In TraCS 10 Click Search,

  • Open Records Management Ribbon

  • Choose Tracking, choose Citation Annual Voided Issued Form Status Report


  • The following dialog box will appear

  • Fill in the date Range (THIS IS REQUIRED)


  • Click OK and the report will generate.

  • The report and be printed, emailed and exported.


Email the report to WisDOT

The second citation status report is for agencies.

  • User chooses the date range.

  • User chooses the form to print.

  • User modifiable agency name and added to the page footer.

  • Need to have System Admin or Supervisor privileges.


In TraCS 10












The following dialog box will appear


Type your Agency Name (not required in report footer)


If needed choose the form number to look up or use the % character for multiple like form number. (i.e. A100% will search for all forms from A100000 to A100999)


Choose the form type for the report. (Case sensitive) The following are allowed values

  1. Alcohol

  2. AmendedCrash

  3. Attachment

  4. CitizenContact

  5. ContactSummary

  6. Crash

  7. DeerCrash

  8. DNR

  9. DriverCondition

  10. ELCI

  11. FatalSupplement

  12. Influence

  13. NTC

  14. UtilityElciNumberInventoryControl

  15. Warning


Add the form status wanted for display across the top of the form. The following are allowed values, not required and are case sensitive

  1. Accepted

  2. Archived

  3. Bundled

  4. Cleared

  5. Completed

  6. Declined

  7. Edit

  8. Edited after Issuance

  9. Endshifted

  10. Exported

  11. Failed Transmission

  12. Installed

  13. Inventoried

  14. Issued

  15. Opened

  16. Printed

  17. Rejected

  18. Reportable

  19. Transmitted

  20. Validated

  21. Voided

  22. Withdrawn



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