WI TraCS Form List |
Alcohol prepares the forms used in conjunction with an OWI arrest. The forms it fills out are as follows.
Informing the Accused SP4197 and DNR4100-123
These forms are print only
Can be accessed prior to validation.
This report is owned by the DMV and DNR
Notice of Intent to Suspend Packet (MV3530 and MV3519)
Needs to be validated for information to be visible when printing
Owned by DMV Citations and Withdrawals
Can be combined with Informing the Accused and Blood/Urine Analysis results and mailed to DMV Driver Services
Mailed to DMV Driver Services, WI DOT, PO Box 7930, Madison, WI 53707-7930
Blood/Urine Analysis – C22
Needs to be validated for information to be visible when printing
Transmittable to State Lab of Hygiene
Blood kit always needs a copy of report as well
Owned by State Lab of Hygiene.
Notice of Intent to Revoke MV3396
Needs to be validated for information to be visible when printing
Transmittable to Department of State Patrol Chemical Test Unit
Owned by Department of State Patrol Chemical Test Unit
Email to chemtest@dot.wi.gov
OWI Blood Draw Warrant and Affidavit
Needs to be validated for information to be visible when printing
Print Only
Needs to be verified with DA’s Office
Needs to be validated for information to be visible when printing
24 Hour Out of Service Order MV3546
Needs to be validated for information to be visible when printing
Owned by DMV Citations and Withdrawals section
Transmittable to the DMV
Email to DMVCWS@dot.wi.gov
Arrest contains reports necessary for an arrest.
Ability to import statutes from citations.
Probable Cause CR-215 Printable only.
Eventually will include everything necessary for an arrest
Attachment is a form that can be used to send non-TraCS form data files to the office (e.g. digital photos, Word files, etc.) Extra large attachments can be used using webservices and only on this form.
Examples Include
Digital Photos
Word files
Additional documents
Transmittable to the DA If an incident report has been sent to the DA then you can use this form to send attachments to the DAIT system.
Call for Service is used to record MACH interactions.
Can be used for other purposes but can only import MACH data.
Mainly used by DNR and State Patrol
Case Summary is used to collect data on case dispositions.
With the CCAP case number this form can link and pull-down data from the CCAP database updating the agency of any case still ongoing or closed.
Citizen Contact ‘Field report’
Can collect data on individuals, associates or vehicles for a variety of reasons.
Purposes are flexible
Agency tablesCan be updated to be anything the agency might want to keep track of, Gangs, Parolees, Sexual Predators,
Contact Summary is used to collect information on a case or stop.
Can be used for many things
Summary doesn’t contain actual names
Can import data from a case into this form
Tracks basic demographic information but not names or specific information.
Crash is the full DT4000 Police Report of Accident
Required form: This is a mandated form to use when filling out reportable crash reports by Law Enforcement agencies. Beginning January 1, 2017, all crashes must be reported using TraCS. There is no paper option. Any crashes reported on the old form will not be accepted by WisDOT.
Transmittable: This form is transmittable
Housed at the TOPS Lab and the University of WI.
Numerous agencies use data in this form at the DOT and it is sold to interested parties outside of government agencies.
Federal Government: data from this form is also sent to the federal government for various requirements.
Driver Exchange Report—
How to receive your Crash Report instructions were added to the report.
There are State Level instructions for Reportable Crashes and a ‘Custom Text’ area for Agency Instructions.
Print out the report anytime unless omitting units is desired.
To print out just the instructions.
Open Crash
Fill out Summary and Location
Print Driver Exchange (no units will appear)
Once units are entered into the form they will appear on Driver Exchange Report
Owned by the DSP Crash Unit
DNR Crash is used to report recreational vehicle accidents.
Required form: This is a mandated form to use when filling out reportable DNR crash reports by Law Enforcement agencies.
Transmittable: This form is transmittable and is housed at the DNR.
Federal gov: data from this form is also sent to the federal government for various requirements.
DNR is the natural resources citation
Transmittable: This form is transmittable and is transmitted to the eCitation workflow. At this time, it only is sent on to the CCAP system
DNR: a copy is also sent on to the DNR and is housed in both the DNR’s TraCS system and Go Wild.
Driver Condition is the Wisconsin Driver Condition or Behavior Report (MV3141)
This report is owned by the DMV. Email to dmvmedical@dot.wi.gov
Transmittable to the DMV via email
ELCI is the uniform traffic citation
Transmittable: This form is transmittable and is transmitted to the eCitation workflow.
This form is transmitted electronically to the DA, Circuit Courts, Muni Courts and EARS system
Voided Uniform traffic citations are required to be transmitted to eCitation so the void can be logged into the EARS system. By statute ELCI number can be audited by the DOT.
Equipment Inventory Form—created to help manage agencies equipment. Agencies can any type of equipment they would like. There are 3 agency tables that work with the equipment form; equipment Type, equipment Make and equipment Model. Equipment can be checked in and out along with sending in for maintenance. A new common information type was added so the inventory can be viewed in the master index. See User Guide: Available Forms in TraCS for form specifications along with checking in/out equipment. See Office Guide: Managing the Agency Inventory of Equipment for adding, maintaining and disposing of equipment in the inventory along with how to search for your equipment.
Evidence is used for managing evidence
Not Transmittable: Printable only
Restricted: This form requires Access rights to be granted and is not available under the All forms access level. Contains 2 levels of access rights and is not automatically available to everyone in the agency.
Evidence Reporter: for anyone that collects evidence. Filling out of form and printing of the bar code and property receipts
Evidence Supervisor: for evidence technicians, all ribbon functions to include putting into inventory status and making changes to various parts of the form. Access to all reports
See User Guide for using the form
Listing of property seized, recovered, stolen, etc. for an incident.
Separated into 5 categories: vehicles, drugs, money, firearms, and all others.
Linked to the master indexes for vehicles and property.
Works with bar code scanners
Form locks down after being placed in inventory with only a few areas that can be modified by evidence technicians.
Reports available
Bar Code – Prints a barcode of the form number that can be printed on regular paper or sticker
Property receipt –Report that can include multiple Evidence forms
Chain of Custody—2 types
Printed when checking out evidence to another agency, contains 5 blank lines to be handwritten chain of custody information
Printed when disposing of property showing from collection to disposal.
Gun Destruction – Combination report that can include data from multiple evidence forms with a list of firearms being sent to the Milwaukee lab for destruction.
State Crime Lab report – Combination report that incudes multiple Evidence forms and one incident form. Incident form includes the state statutes, subjects, victims, officer in charge, location, and illumination information. Evidence forms include the tests to run along with every evidence piece being sent to the lab for testing.
Fatal Supplement is the full DT3480 Police Report of Accident
Required form: This is a mandated form to use when filling out reportable crash reports by Law Enforcement agencies. Beginning January 1, 2017, all crashes must be reported using TraCS. There is no paper option. Any crashes reported on the old form will not be accepted by WisDOT.
Transmittable: This form is transmittable and is housed at the TOPS Lab and the University of WI.
Federal gov: data from this form is also sent to the federal government for various requirements.
Incident is currently a work in progress. It is an incident report that can be used in house or for outside agencies at both state and federal levels
DA: This form can be transmitted as an eReferral to the DA Protect system.
DOJ: Is WIBRS compliant and can be sent to the DOJ as required for incident-based reporting.
Other: More agencies to come currently on the wait list is
DOC—Department of Corrections for Probation, Parole and Sex offenders.
HIDTA OD map: Overdose requirements at the Federal level
DSPS--Prescription Drug Monitoring Program
Child Protective Services
DOJ is set to interface in the future with departments in DOJ for reporting Human Trafficking, Suspicious Activity reporting and Cleary reporting.
Influence is the Alcohol/Drug influence report, eSP4005
Not Transmittable
Printable only
Owned by Department of State Patrol Chemical Test Unit
Email to chemtest@dot.wi.gov
Inspection The CMV Inspection Form can be used to document warnings and citations for multi –unit configurations, such as truck and trailer operated by a business or by an individual. Officers using this inspection form should only be completing the brake section if trained by the WI State Patrol on Federal vehicle equipment standards when the vehicle to be inspected is exempt from Federal regulations and does not qualify for the use of the Federal inspection form, ASPEN. For officers not trained by the State Patrol the inspection form can be used for all basic vehicle equipment and size and weight inspections. Officers should qualify each inspection as operating Intrastate (In commerce, private business or for hire vehicle where configuration is over 10,000lbs and where the origin and destination are all in the State of Wisconsin ), Interstate ( In commerce, private business or for hire, where the vehicle configuration is over 10,000lbs and where the origin or destination is outside the state of Wisconsin ) , Private Individual Not In Commerce or In Commerce Vehicle(s) configuration under 10,000lbs, This form is transmittable to the State Patrol
Transmittable: This form is transmittable and is housed at DSP.
NTC is the non-traffic citation
Parking Tickets: Can be flagged as a parkin citation.
Printed copies can have the defendant removed so not to be viewable while placed on the vehicle.
First Notice Report
Final Notice Report
2 analysis reports
Prepped for integration with DMV suspend registration system.
Transmittable: This form is transmittable and is transmitted to the eCitation workflow.
If flagged as a parking citation it will not transmit.
This form is transmitted electronically to the DA, Circuit Courts, Muni Courts and EARS system
Pursuit is used to report agency involved pursuits, or no pursuits, per year.
Required form: Beginning January 1, 2018, agencies will need to use the Pursuit form in TraCS to report their law enforcement vehicle pursuits. The current pursuit reporting website (accessed through WILENET) will not be available after January 1, 2018.
Transmittable to the DSP
No pursuits to report required yearly
Supplement form:
is used as a supplemental narrative form. For an incident when they have multiple officers working a case, each officer can create a supplement form and add their own narratives.
Transmittable to the DA eProtect system
Transmitted as an attachment and can only be transmitted after an incident form has been transmitted.
Task manages the tasks associated with the case.
Not Transmittable: Printable only
Use of Force and Arrest Related Death is used to report subjects receiving serious injuries or death while being arrested or while in custody.
The FBI fully launched their new national use-of-force data collection effort as part of the Uniform Crime Reporting (UCR) program in January 2019. The national program is focused on identifying incidents that result in death or serious bodily injury of a person, or when an officer discharges their firearm at or in the direction of a person. In order to comply with this new collection effort, the Wisconsin Department of Justice created a workgroup of Wisconsin law enforcement agencies, led by the BJIA, to develop a Wisconsin use-of-force data collection program that would fulfill federal requirements and make recommendations to collect other data valuable in understanding use-of-force incidents in Wisconsin. In addition, this workgroup was tasked with defining what will qualify as use-of-force in Wisconsin, determining the data elements and types of force that will be collected, and establishing a process for the reporting of the data.
The Wisconsin workgroup finalized recommendations regarding the Wisconsin approach to this data collection effort in early 2019. The BJIA then took these recommendations, in a partnership with the State Patrol and their Traffic and Criminal Software (TraCS) program, to develop a data reporting form that satisfied reporting requirements for the FBI’s Use-of-Force program. The Wisconsin program also addressed federal reporting requirements under the Death in Custody Reporting Act, which requires collection on arrest-related deaths, as well as deaths occurring in jails and prisons. The development of the TraCS form occurred throughout 2019 and will be rolled out statewide in the fourth quarter of 2019. The state will also develop an additional data collection mechanism, including a process for electronic database submission, for agencies unable to utilize the TraCS program or for agencies that would prefer to submit the data electronically from their existing Records Management System (RMS) or other systems for use-of-force data collection. The Wisconsin DOJ will then submit use-of-force data collected through the state program on behalf of law enforcement agencies to meet federal reporting expectations.
The data collected through this effort are critical to supporting law enforcement training needs in Wisconsin and to promote transparency in sharing this data with stakeholders, researchers, policy makers, the media and the community by providing a more complete picture of the nature and context of use-of-force incidents.
Transmittable to the DOJ
No report required for the month
Vehicle Killed Wild Animal is used to provide legal ownership of a Bear or Wild Turkey carcass that was killed by a motor vehicle.
Transmittable: This form is transmittable and is housed at the DNR.
Warning is a warning citation
Not Transmittable: Printable only